chasing Jonah
It's funny how much I'd laid the groundwork as a Christian novelist over the past few years that in a few corners I'm still considered as such, though I've never sold anything to the CBA market and have turned my attention, for the time being at least, back to the secular world (writing wise). Still, sometimes I feel like Jonah running in my own, frenzied direction, but someone's catching up behind me with hand outstretched saying.... but probably not. I've always had the feeling that when it comes to this writing gig, I'm on my own.
Anyway, one such case is a new Christian-horror themed web magazine called Fear and Trembling ( A while back they contacted me for an interview and have just released their new issue online, and the interview is in it. I was pretty honest with them, on how I see the market these days, especially for horror. I think it came out pretty well. It's an interesting site, hopefully they go far with it.
As of the end of lunch today, the second draft of Nurse Charles' Revenge is a fraction away from being a third done (32.8 % or something like that). For those of you visiting this blog for the first time, that's not the title. Haven't come up with one yet. Coming along nicely, but I think I might take a few days off once the second draft is complete so I can get to a few revisions I've been meaning to get to for a couple of short stories, so I can send them back out to market, then return to draft 3. Revisions on this second draft have actually been easier than I expected. Maybe I'm simply getting used to the pain, but I suppose the more books you write the cleaner the first drafts become ("cleaner" being a relative term, they're still unreadable as manuscripts).