Here I am...
Where was I? Ah, so almost done with the 3rd draft before I print it off, run through one more time I think before my beloved proofreaders get a hold of it (that is, if Fran's still speaking to me after the Billy the Clown incident... long story, :-)
I always think of a hundred things to write for this blog, then freeze up mentally when it comes time. However, some news: The cover for Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest, issue #11, is done, and I'm humbled but psyched at getting my name as a headline. See below:
What's next? Not sure. There is an HWA anthology with a tight deadline, so am racing to finish final revisions to "Seeing Monkeys" so I can send it along. Gotta finish the book though... have to keep swimming or I'll drown....
If you at the very least sent me a small snyopsis, back cover blurb or something I might be able to brainstorm with you.
Time is a huge topic and second changes give a sense of hope while last chance feels like hopeless. I need more info man. :)