Lost in the Woods, 17,400 words and moving forward

Hi, everyone. Been quiet for a while. But I'm back from a few hundred mile driving vacation, looking at colleges for my son. It was fun, and imformative. Janet did most of the driving, for as long as my laptop's battery lasted, and because of this I was able to get some good progress once again on the new novel, Lost in the Woods. 17,000+ words. Not bad. Revised a few things as well, and had to work out some plot changes. I have it outlined, roughly, through about 3/4 of the plot and some ideas on the ending (but not exactly how it'll end, need to decide this by word 50,000 I think), but as I write the characters begin to behave differently than I expect, some things I expected to write didn't pan out, etc, so constant revisions have to be done.

In the meantime, Doomsday Key, Plague of Darkness and Margaret's Ark are out there in the world of submission again withmy US agent. Solomon's Grave seems to be still slated for 2009 with Edge/Dragon Moon, and my European agent continues to peddle it throughout the old country. The German edition, Das Grab des Salomon seems to be holding its own, and picking up the paces a bit. Got some good (and, admittedly some less flattering) reviews. Hopefully it'll do well, so the German edition of Plague of Darkness will have some leverage when it comes out.

I've gotten word that my short story, "Box", will be published in Coach's Midnight Diner 2, and may appear earlier in Relief Journal as a way to publicize the coming Diner anthology. That's nice. I really like this story, and hopefully others will also.

OK, that's about it. I'll try to keep this blog back to a weekly updating mode going forward. It'll keep me honest with my writing progress.



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