What's been going on?

Well, I began National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) in earnest, hoping to make a short 50K word novel out of my short story "Two Fish To Feed The Masses", but life, and my slowly-dying writer's block got in the way and didn't get far. However, I liked what I saw and think my next novel will still be, FEED THE MASSES, so yea: I'm going to write a Zombie novel. What will come of it, I don't know. Not much in the way of responsive publishers out there these days. There are a few publishers left, just none that ever reply to any correspondance. :-)

Which brings me to what I did do the rest of November: finished final edits on my novel DESTROYER OF WORLDS, which I guess is a way of returning to my pure horror roots. This one is dark, but pretty kick-ass if I do say so. I even have a cover for it. Will I release it under the Other Road Press moniker? Probably, since - see above non-responsive industry. But if I hope to sell more than a couple dozen copies, I'll need to really hunker down and market it. It's got a wider audience, being more convential horror, so we'll see.

So, more on that as I try to get this blog updated more often. And try to get my muse back into friggin' action so she doesn't wail in despair from the cellar of my brain while I procrastinate cleaning the bathroom instead of writing. Down, foul laziness, up, strong writing muse, rise from the ashes.


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