What's been going on...

Yesterday we took the kids to Lowell, MA, for the International Curling Championships. It's funny how many people I've said this to have said, "Wow, I was seriously considering going to that." It was fun, the US trounced Japan, but unfortunately the other team we were routing for, Ireland, got trounced by Finland... no, Denmark. Sorry. Wasn't a huge crowd at the Lowell Auditorium, but we were all grouped together to have a festive couple of hours.

The weekend before Jan & I did our usual jaunt over to Clark University in Worcester, in particular to their Cinema 320, saw a great film called Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont. Excellent film, very touching. Came at a good time, too. Nice story of widowed woman trying to find a new life in London and her relationship with a young musician.

On the writing side, check out my homepage if you'd like to see a small image of the Russian version of Solomon's Grave. Pretty cool cover. It should be released sometime this month or next in Russia.


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