Storms and Melting Slivers of Ice

OK, once again I make it to bedtime Sunday before I can post, sorry.

Didn't feel like a huge volume writing-wise. Did a couple of drafts further into "Ray Gun." Need to finish the on-screen edit I'm in the middle of then start printing off and paper-edit. Hopefully this week it'll get done.

Finally wrote my part of the ongoing "Deux Ex Machina" written with Ellen, Joyce, Andrew and Mom (see last week's post)... Andrew pointed out, however that I'd aged a character from 2 to somewhere around 8... so I had to modify it a bit. It's in my sister Ellen's lap now.

Got my author copies of Solomon's Grave - the Italian edition called il Segreto di Salomone. Can't read a word of it... wait... I got these week before last. Did I already say this? Anyhow, looks good. No "about the author" or photo or anything, which is probably wise if they want to sell any copies.

What I did get in the mail was the book we put together for my nephew Sean (see last week). Came out very nice - if not a little small. Still, he'll enjoy it.

Quick shout-out to Ellen and Nancy who hosted a little Christmas soire for all us brothers & sisters and in-laws etc last Friday!

OK, and though I haven't sent out a Dan News email update in a while, if you're trudging through this blog you get first dibs on the official announcement - Solomon's Grave will soon be published, next year I'm assuming but don't know for sure, in Germany, in German -- Deutsch -- by Otherworld Verlag ( They're the publisher of the German editions of Brian Keene's novels, which is pretty cool, as well as my buddy Mary Moore (aka Morven Westfield). So, that's the news. Nothing new yet on it. When I know, you'll know.

Anything else writing-wise? No... productively it didn't feel like a whole lot. Hopefully this coming week - of course it's the week before Christmas... but must keep writing.

Happy 15th birthday this weekend to my son Andrew and 12th birthday today to Amanda! We saw Eragon Friday night - they did well in keeping with the book, however they limited themselves to only an hour and a half so they skipped a lot. Still, acting-wise, overall, a 6 out of 10, not great but didn't stink like poopie, special effects an 8, writing - for what they ahd to go by and time limitations a 7, I guess.

Anyway... well, no, too late in the evening to wax poetically about my life, I'm afraid. Maybe another time. Been running through quite a large variety of things to say, doing this has been very cathartic, but I should go.... sometimes it feels we're so sequestered along in this Big Bad World that we think no one would be interested in out little corner anyway, and for the most part no one's really interested in my little corner of our little corner of this Big Bad World. Everything that I was, I am no longer, what I want is obviously not in the Big Plan, I suppose, but who knows? I've never been a patient man in some ways, too patient in others. I'm a melting sliver of ice in someone else's drink and sometimes I just feel like shouting out my right to live before I'm swallowed up...

Weather's been clear this week. Of course, it's early in the month. Strange weather, mid-forties, upper fifties today. New England in December. But calm skies. I've decided that weather is fairly predictable, though, like those storms that start raging in off the Atlantic in the late summer, early fall, smack Florida upside the head now and then. If it becomes predictable, then it can be dealt with, no?

Where was I? No idea.

Good night.


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