Plagues of Locusts and Darkness, Oh My.

"Lavish", my short story which inspired Margaret's Ark, has now appeared in the Hungarian science fiction magazine Galaktika (the January 2008 issue). Click on the link to see the cover. I'm sharing the magazine with the likes of Harlan Ellison, which is very cool indeed. Hopefully I'll get my author's copy in the mail soon (mail time between countries can be tricky).
Well, Plague of Locusts is the lucky winner. After re-reading up through where I'd put it aside (to write Destroyer), 25K+ words and I really like this book, especially the characters who had become very real and fleshed out for me. I've been running through what I had written thus far, revising and mostly just getting my writer-head back into the story so I can become obsessive and keep the momentum once I hit the end of the paved road and start writing new words. This book is outlined only to a point, not all the way, so I am still not sure how it's going to end. But I've decided I like how it's gone so far and will wait and see where it brings me. A different tactic from the last book, but as long as it doesn't slow me down I'll let the characters and events dictate the outcome. Again, this one's more science fiction than horror, but there are horror elements in it. A cross-genre novel if you will. Why not? Not like I'm pigeon-holed at this point into any one style.

Back on the international front: Das Grab des Salomone (Solomon's Grave) has recieved a couple of glowing reviews in Germany/Austria from some very big reviewers, as well as a couple of good ones on My editor is going to translate these into English for me when he has a moment, and I'll pass them along.

And some Dan's Blog exclusive news: Solomon's Grave's German publisher, Otherworld Verlag, has just bought the German language rights to another of my books: Plague of Darkness. Looks like Plague of Darkness will be premiering in Germany later this year or early 2009.

I finished my short story, "Box". I really like how it came out. Waiting on a couple of edits and we'll see where it stands with the anthology.

The fate of Margaret's Ark with the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest will be known next week, on February 19th, when Penguin Books announces the 100 Finalists (out of the current 826 Semi-Finalists). I still only have 8 customer reviews as of this morning (thanks to those who left them, and to folks like Michelle Pendergrass who rallied on their own blogs for my cause), but that's OK. The more the merrier, but we'll see what the Finalist decisions are after Tuesday.


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