Hanging at the Wall
So, having been active more often on Facebook this past year, one tends to neglect one's blog, at least for posting more personal musings. I plan to do more here... I even got a blogger app for my phone, and am typing this on a tiny virtual keyboard with my thumbs. This can't be healthy, in some way society won't discover until it's too late and a new, horrible strain of carpal tunnel is discovered.
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I have to say it was a good one. My son came up to visit from NYC for a week and a half, youngest daughter visited from college, and older daughter borrowed our minivan to travel four thousand miles round trip with my niece and their friends to north Dakota to join the pipeline protest, and made it home safe and sound. As did my minivan in a less important way. Proud of all of them, and their almost baby brother (Linda and I are adopting) loved having them all around.
Now, we have the Christmas tree up, decorations scattered throughout the house and time to start looking towards December 25th. This morning a question was asked at my church men's group, what are we all doing between now and then to prepare for Christmas, to develop a deeper understanding of ts significance to ourselves and the world around us. The conversation veered off before I could answer, which is probably good because I hadn't ever really thought about it. Getting ready for Christmas always meant shopping lists and visiting and church and friends and family events and watching the Grinch and The Family Stone. And, oh yea, the true meaning of Christmas somewhere in there, at a high level.
What is that last one anyway, and how do we get ready for something that mind boggling and significant? Well, I guess I'll think about it, chew on some ideas and maybe spit them out here. We'll see. Not tonight. My thumbs are getting tired.
Back in the day this blog served as confidente, counselor, and an historical record of my life external, and internal. My heart. Let's see if we can't get back to that more often. I'll also start posting more on my alter ego's page gdanielgunn.com as well.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and let's see what we can do to make Christmas even better.