Plague of Locusts is Away...

Well, my new science fiction novel, Plague of Locusts, is now officially out there in the cruel world of submissions. Meaning, after a brief stint of putting some books out myself, to some acclaim, and before that spending years with agencies trying to sell my not-always-easy-to-peg (marketing-wise) novels, I've decided to try the traditional route to publishing again, especially with this novel and the upcoming horror novel. I'm not trying to cold-sub to publishers, not at first. As of today, Plague of Locusts has been submitted to a couple of major New York agencies. I may submit to more as I continue my research. They may, may not, get back to me, as they say right on their guidelines, to paraphrase, "Due to the large volume of submissions, we will only respond if we're interested." I suppose that's fair, in some ways, though a brief "no thanks" would always be a nice thing to do.

But I've been down this road before, and have much thicker skin. So, out it goes, and in the meantime I've been working on an outline for a sequel to Plague of Locusts - not writing it, not even (yet) outlining, but world-building. What has happened since the close of the novel, histories of the new worlds we're going to discover, and at some point, decide where the second in what I'm called the Vast Array Series, will kick off. I had a great epiphany about the people on a certain world, their history, etc, and am starting to get excited about it. VA #2 will possibly take place a couple of decades after #1, but not exactly sure yet.

Also, Lost in the Woods, the horror novel, is in the late editing stages, and I'm going to run through this over the next month, print it off, and hand it to my first reader(s).

More as things develop. I've been too long remiss in adding my voice to this blog. I'll try to do better.

PS: Oh forgot to mention! Solomon's Grave, my first novel, is currently out of print. After getting my rights back, I'm debating whether to release it under my own label or not. More as I know what I'm doing.


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