Apex Digest #11 is Now Available

Here's the news release from editor Jason Sizemore:
Thanks to everyone for another knockout issue! It's amazing the amount of work that goes into making a 128 page magazine, from the writers & artists to the editors and publisher.
"Blackboard Sky" – Gary A. Braunbeck
"Spinnetje" – Stefani Nellen
"Ray Gun" – Dan Keohane
"Uncanny" – Samuel Tinianow
"The Moldy Dead" – Sara King
"Cain Xp11 (Part 3): Sorry About All the Blood" – Geoffrey Girard
"What to Expect When Expectorating" – Jennifer Pelland
Interview with Gary A. Braunbeck
Interview with Bryan Smith
"Curses of Nature" – Essay by Alethea Kontis
Cover art by Nigel Sade
128 pages
Weird for me that I know you, Gary Braunbeck and Alethea Kontis. I'm really shocked, guess I should pay attention more, eh?